The daily dose of your everyday life.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Baby steps.

All of us go through hardships in our lives. and whether we like it or not, it does affect our personality, especially if they happen while we are growing up. sooner or later though, something happens and changes everything. it happens quickly, comes and goes like lightning in a thunderstorm, like a thief in the thick of night. and we are left abandoned and helpless, left to fend for ourselves, yet what hope do we have when in those moments we are like suckling infants that were discarded by their mothers.

But it is during those moments, during that period that our true identity is revealed, it is in that period that the candle of our personality, our talents, and our future is unveiled and stands tall in the middle of all the lunacy of the world, waiting for us to kindle it aflame, and start a new life for ourselves. and perhaps, just perhaps affect other people's lives as well.

I am no different than everyone else. I've gone through my share of hardships. to some, I've gone through hell, while to others i'm a spoiled little child. but no matter what anyone thinks i did go through them, they were mine, and they did affect how i view and interact with the world. i lived a life that i thought was perfect, until something happened to me that changed my view on this world, it changed how i think and how i presume, it changed my understanding of people, their emotions, their mentality, and their feelings, but most of all, it showed me my candle, and i lit it up.

And here i am, years after the incident, writing (what i call but not really sure is) poetry, and little scraps of thoughts that dawn upon my not so smart brain. Some that people will relate to, and many that people won't. but all of them have a story, all of them have a beginning and an end, and every single word has a meaning and a purpose.

So join me as we embark on a journey of words that will leave either you mesmerized, or me, despised. 

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