Love is a queer thing, peculiar, perplexing, exceptional, uncanny, marvelous, bizarre, curious, and erratic, Some may even say it's cruel, but one thing is for sure, whether we admit it or not, we all long for it, we all crave it's companionship and solace, and those who deny that fact are those who hunger for it the most.
So if all of us reach out for love, the question becomes what is it -or who- that we fall in love with. surely a mother's love is different than a life partner's or a pet's, and definitely has leagues of difference with the love of food. and thus love is among some of the very few emotions that must be shared back and forth between two beings in order to fulfill it's role and nourish us.
And therein lies the problem, what happens when you love someone that doesn't love you back ? what happens when someone loves you but you don't share the same feelings with them ? is it then that love changes from a form of nourishment to a form of torture ? that is something to be explored in another post. Today though i'd like to share with you a piece that shows us just how beautiful love can be when it actually triumphs, and both parts share the same feelings with each other.
This poem starts a bit dark, but that is exactly how human life is when it is devoid of love, and it is our journey towards fulfilling our spiritual nourishment that signifies how the end will be. like i promised, every single word has a meaning and a purpose, and so, i encourage you all to take your time while reading this poem, for every line is a phase in the human life, every line is a period all of us have gone through -or will-.
A forest of shadows, a mountain of doubt.
A hooded pilgrim with eyes of death.
A storm of ravens hiding the sun.
An island of hope in the endless blue.
A sea of cinders, preventing entrance.
A boat of love, bridging the way.
A gate with angels, fluttering around.
A melody is sung, like none before.
The locks unshackle, the gates open wide.
A rush of roses, to cheeks unbound.
A shy smile, creeps through the world.
Heaven falls. a room rises in its place.
The sun shines, after a late dawn.
The skies clear, after a winter storm.
For love was shared, forth and back.
And his life was lit up, after being black.
I realize that some of you might have read this poem before, and it wont be the last time i reuse my old stuff, but i thought i'd write in my train of thought while writing them, and perhaps, just perhaps, let you see my writings from a different perspective.
So if all of us reach out for love, the question becomes what is it -or who- that we fall in love with. surely a mother's love is different than a life partner's or a pet's, and definitely has leagues of difference with the love of food. and thus love is among some of the very few emotions that must be shared back and forth between two beings in order to fulfill it's role and nourish us.
And therein lies the problem, what happens when you love someone that doesn't love you back ? what happens when someone loves you but you don't share the same feelings with them ? is it then that love changes from a form of nourishment to a form of torture ? that is something to be explored in another post. Today though i'd like to share with you a piece that shows us just how beautiful love can be when it actually triumphs, and both parts share the same feelings with each other.
This poem starts a bit dark, but that is exactly how human life is when it is devoid of love, and it is our journey towards fulfilling our spiritual nourishment that signifies how the end will be. like i promised, every single word has a meaning and a purpose, and so, i encourage you all to take your time while reading this poem, for every line is a phase in the human life, every line is a period all of us have gone through -or will-.
A forest of shadows, a mountain of doubt.
A hooded pilgrim with eyes of death.
A storm of ravens hiding the sun.
An island of hope in the endless blue.
A sea of cinders, preventing entrance.
A boat of love, bridging the way.
A gate with angels, fluttering around.
A melody is sung, like none before.
The locks unshackle, the gates open wide.
A rush of roses, to cheeks unbound.
A shy smile, creeps through the world.
Heaven falls. a room rises in its place.
The sun shines, after a late dawn.
The skies clear, after a winter storm.
For love was shared, forth and back.
And his life was lit up, after being black.
I realize that some of you might have read this poem before, and it wont be the last time i reuse my old stuff, but i thought i'd write in my train of thought while writing them, and perhaps, just perhaps, let you see my writings from a different perspective.
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