The daily dose of your everyday life.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The push

Throughout our lives, we will all come in contact with 3 kinds of people, those who will stand behind us the whole way and push us forward with as much power as they can muster, and those that will just give us advice just like u give passing advice to someone in the street, and then there are those that will try to pull us down and try and keep us from fulfilling our true potential.

Again, i'm no different that the rest of you, I've been exposed to all three kinds. but generally i tend to not think -or rather care- about the 2 latter types. what i really want to talk about today are the group of people that belong to the first kind.
I've been lucky enough in my life -specially in the last year- to come in contact with different people, with very different backgrounds that greatly affected my life and more precisely have driven me onward to start writing, whether it was poetry, or this blog. 

The first person was about a year ago. she read some of my writings -when i was still starting to write my novel-. i wasn't very confident in what i wrote, but her constant encouragement to me over a period that spanned months -a lot of months- is the overpowering reason why i'm even still writing now

The second person was a few months ago. and again, her encouragement and trust in me is what kept me going in a time when i was completely and utterly down. so much down that i considered to not write again and revert back to my pre-incident personality -by this i mean the incident i talked about in the last post-.

The third person is someone that went through a terrible phase in her life, but she was very strong and got through it. granted, it happened with the help of her friends, but still, her strength and courage through her turmoil inspired me to write the following -so called poem- in honor of her return :

A breeze is soft but more can make storms.
water is weak but a river can carve stones.
fall you might have but onward you moved on.
a brave soul is all you need, and you have that and more.
willpower and strength, intellect and friends.
we all heard the proverb from the mouths of the old,
fall and you learn, get hit and you grow strong.
you've been gifted with you'r curse and no one knows.
now you know who you'r real friends are,
now you know who to rely upon.
so keep going like a feather in a spring wind,
walking is easy once running is clement.

After she read that and for some reason thought it was good, she basically used inception to make me start this blog, so here we are, all of this is thanks to her.

And last but not least is a guy, a very close friend of mine, that read everything i wrote, and his words of encouragement were always pushing me to write more and more. 

I know this post wasn't very enlightening, in fact, it probably felt a bit like a boring history lesson. but i felt it was necessary for me to give credit where it's due, for if it wasn't for these four amazing people, i wouldn't be writing this now. and thus, my deepest thanks to Basma Hamad, Noha Hamdy, Nesmah Mattar, and Mourad Medhat.(mostly girls, female powah wooo) this is all because of you guys .


Having already given u a useless headache and basically history lessons yesterday and today, i'll start writing some poetry and some thoughts -as the name implies- starting tomorrow. stay tuned :D.

1 comment:

  1. It's Good To Know I'm Not Worthless :D
    Peter, we were Just Accelerators, You Were Meant To Write :) I Hope You Reach Your Max One day, & I Hope I'll Be A Witness isA ;)
    P.S.: I'm Touched !!
    Basma Hamad.
